Character/Droid Design
In this project, I involved a game named "League of Legends". This game allows you to pick any champion to play, it's a 5vs5 game that you'll have to use many strategies and tactics to win by destroying the enemies' nexus.
Characters That I Chose
In this project, I also decided to create a new character that involves two other characters that are already in the game. The first character is Yasuo, he is a swordsman. And I combined him with Zed, he's that assassin in the game.
I came up with two ideas, the first idea is to make my character a ninja that uses swords. Another idea is making a fighter/swordsman that can use different ninja technique. But in the end, I went with the first idea.
I wanted to make a robotic ninja that uses swords, my target audience for this character are teenagers that play video games. The back story of this character is when he was young, Zed (a character from the game) took him to his school to teach him to be a great ninja. But when he grows up he learned that not only that Zed took him, but he also killed his parents. Then he learned that he got a brother named Yasuo (Character from the game). So he set out a journey to find his long lost brother.
How I Did It

At first, I started off by using wires to make the skeleton of my character, then I use old newspaper to cover the skeleton then use tape to hold the newspaper in place. Then started using the clay to cover different parts of my character carefully. After that I have to wait until it’s dry, then I apply 3 layers of white color. In the end, I mixed different color to create my own color that I think will fit the theme of the character I created. The shade of the color that I used to paint my character is a cool color. I think that a ninja would look better and it would fit the theme of samurai/ninja if the color of their cloth is mostly black and dark blue. That’s why I used very dark blue for the color of my character’s cloth and silvery blue for the army and black for my sword. The first challenge is trying to make the sword, at first, the sword wouldn’t hold up because it was too heavy and the tape didn’t stick. But I figured how to make the sword by cutting off the wire if the sword and make the sword separately and let it dry. After being able to make the sword now the next challenge I faced was that the sword wouldn’t stick and stay together with the arm. So I had to stick it together then find something like a roll of tape to let the sword rest on until it got dry.

If I get to go back to make this character again, I would go back into the designing process and work on the design a little more. I think that I should change the length of the sword since it's not holding up. I think things that need to be improved are the hands of my model, I couldn’t make it look like a ninja holding a sword, So now it looks like the swords are part of the hands.
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